FAQ Category: General Questions

Sky is available on TV PLUS. What can I watch there?

Sky offers 3 parts: sky Sport, sky Show and sky Store. These can be subscribed individually, and new options may be added by sky. The easiest way to find out what what is offered here. below and you can then review all the details and the current prices at sky. To enjoy sky you need…
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13. September 2019 0

Do you offer monthly invoices as a payment method?

Some customers prefer to pay by invoices with payment slip. We understand that. However, with our low prices, for handling and cost reasons, we do not offer it. You can make monthly subscription payments with all major credit cards, the Postfinance Card and PayPal. If you don’t have one of those cards, there is a…
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16. July 2019 0

What about the Samsung TV plus app?

The app is provided by Samsung itself. Our TV PLUS TV service is not affiliated with Samsung. If you have any questions, please contact Samsung directly.

9. May 2019 0

Is TV PLUS available in Australia?

If you are from Australia, g’day to you. No, we do not operate in Australia, but there is a separate and unrelated outfit also called TV Plus in Australia. If you have an inquiry and you are from Australia, you are probably a customer of the Australian TV plus. Please contact them at http://www.tvplus.com.au/ .…
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9. May 2019 0

What does “Secure Payments via Stripe” mean?

Stripe is one of the leading Payment Service Providers in Europe and is a kind of interface between our e-shop and you as a customer. This service handles your payment through an encrypted system, so that the payment is executed problem-free and securely. The personal data is not stored at TV PLUS but encoded and…
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8. May 2019 0

There are competitors in the market. How is the TV PLUS offering different/unique?

Absolutely! Competition is a good thing. Consumers have a lot of choices. Basically, there are 2 types of competitors (see the diagram below): On the one Side, there are Swisscom, UPC, Sunrise or others who use technologies such as IPTV or DVB platforms. In other words, these providers go through their own network, such as…
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13. August 2018 0

Is TV PLUS legal?

Absolutely! We pay the mandatory fees to stream the live TV channels and the VoD movies as well as to use the 7-day replay feature and the right to use the Pause function. Understandably, producers of the TV content and the movies want to be compensated for their offerings. Their rights are represented by several…
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11. August 2018 0

Why is TV PLUS available only in Switzerland and Liechtenstein?

As with all other providers, this has to do with the legal situation. We pay for the rights to stream the live TV channels and the VoD movies to you and those rights are limited only to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

11. August 2018 0

I want to cancel my old existing Internet subscription. How do I go about it?

The simplest way is to contact your old service provider and ask them for the conditions of canceling. In most cases, cancellation is not a problem after more than one year of use. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the cancellation and read the “small print”. Please note: the TV PLUS boxes…
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11. August 2018 0

Can I really cancel my expensive Internet subscription or my TV/Internet/Landline bundle?

Yes. TV PLUS is a sophisticated service for big girls and boys. We give you the freedom to “unbundle” your home and save. You can choose your own internet/land line provider and negotiate much better terms than with a combo subscription. Of course, we also offer our own Internet service – everything in a one-stop-shop,…
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11. August 2018 0