New Replay rules are introduced in October of 2022. The following is a description of what you can expect only when you watch one of the TV stations participating in the new Industry Agreement. The remaining >200 TV stations will work and behave the same as before the introduction of the new Replay rules.
More informationTV CLASSIC Subscription
How does new Replay actually look like in the CLASSIC subscription?
There are 3 types of so-called “dynamic ads” that you might see: StartAd, PauseAd and FastForwardAd. This dynamic advertising doesn’t always run, there may be times when you just see the usual well-known commercials, but which you can now skip!
Start Ad

When you start a Replay show, you will first see the StartAd. It should be a maximum of 7 seconds. You can not stop it or fast-forward it.
In the bottom left corner, you can see the number of advertisement spots, e.g. “Ad 1 of 3”, “Ad 2 of 3”, “Ad 3 of 3”. So you know how many spots there will be. You also see the duration and the countdown for each spot.
After all spots have played, the show should start at the beginning. The TV stations do not always provide the precise time for the beginning of the actual show to the TV Box, so you might need to fast forward or rewind to find the beginning of the show. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it. The show now plays on and you can fast forward or rewind or pause the show at any time.
Pause Ad

You may press Pause almost at any time. As usual, the stream is paused and now you will see a static picture containg an advertisement. The Ad will cover about 75% of the picture and it stays on as long as the pause is active. When you press the Pause button again to continue playing, the Ad will dissappear.
Fast Forward Ad

When you watch a Replay show and the usual “linear” advertisement block starts, you can press the FastForward button, which will initiate the Fast Forward Ad. It should be a maximum of 130 seconds. You can not stop it or fast-forward it.
In the bottom left corner, you can see the number of advertisement spots, e.g. “Ad 1 of 7”, “Ad 2 of 7”, …, “Ad 7 of 7”, so you know how many spots there will be. You also see the duration and the countdown for each spot.
The total duration of this block of Ads is usually much shorter that the “old” linear advertisement blocks. And, when the Fast Forward Ad block gets near its end, on the right bottom side, a countdown like 7,6,5,…,0 will appear and after that, there is a small “Skip Ad” icon. Once it appears, you can press the OK button, and the show you watched before the ads should continue. If you don’t press the OK button, the current ad block will continue to its end and then jump to the continuation of the show you were watching.
The TV stations do not always provide the precise time for the continuation of the actual show to the TV Box, so you might need to fast forward or rewind to find the next scene of your show. The show now plays on and you can fast forward or rewind or pause the show at any time.
TV TOP Subscription
If you decided to go for the TV TOP subscription, the so-called “dynamic ads” will not be shown at all. But the “old” linear advertisement blocks broadcast by the station are still present. Once you see advertisements appear (usually signified by the station logo dissapearing), you can press the FF button, and the show should “skip” over the linear ad block and continue playing your selected show.
The TV stations do not always provide the precise time for the continuation of the actual show to the TV Box, so you might need to fast forward or rewind to find the next scene of your show. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it.
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